
NiftySats Character Collection #2

Turdle Lore

Laser-eyed maxis have staunchly opposed ordinals on Bitcoin since their inception, claiming that "stupid jpegs have no purpose other than to clog the network", and that free thinking members of the Bitcoin community have no right to store arbitrary data on the mother chain.

They couldn't be more wrong.

This level of hypocrisy in stating that Bitcoin is a free and open network, but only if you use it in the ways that they approve of, is astonishing.

But the #MaxiTurdles were born for this. These caricatures of tomfoolery come with inherent levels of mockery for all laser-eyed maxis with such malformed views of Satoshi's vision for Bitcoin. Their troll level is above 2000.

The Villain Arc

Not long ago, notable Bitcoin developer, Udi Wertheimer, was able to dig up ancient texts revealing that Satoshi Nakamoto himself helped facilitate the first "digital collectible sale" on Bitcoin way back in 2010. Satoshi seemed to support such an endeavor, and Casey Rodarmor's release of Ordinal Theory, only serves to expand upon that notion.

The most egregious outcry from the laser-eyed maxi camp, comes from Luke Dash Jr, who runs Ocean Mining, a bitcoin mining pool. He's gone so far as to (attempt to) censor ordinals, by refusing to mine blocks that contain them. It's not working out for their pool, as they continue to miss out on huge amounts of lucrative transaction fees in these blocks. A stance that is particularly ridiculous after the block subsidy reward for mining was just cut in half from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block.

What's extra weird is that Luke Dash Jr has admitted to actually eating cats. Udi ran with that discovery, and has since created an ordinals collection called Quantum Cats, and has recently submitted a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP-420) to revive OP_CAT, a network function for covenants that was removed years ago.

So obviously, one of the #MaxiTurdle traits had to be a cat-in-the-mouth...because the mockery & troll level is strong in these Turdles. And each NiftySats collection represents characters in a forthcoming comic series, with MaxiTurdles portraying the grumpy old impotent grouch.

Ordinals, Runes, and BRC-20's now make up a considerable amount of network traffic, and the fees associated therein have made miners record breaking profits since the start of these new protocols. This sort of proliferation of the Bitcoin Network only helps to further incentivize miners to secure the network, and has brought hundreds, if not thousands, of new nodes online, as collectors and traders seek to participate with ordinals at the protocol level.

MaxiTurdles are here to call out the hypocrisy and poke fun at the stupidity demonstrated by those who oppose USING and building on top of Bitcoin, rather than just letting it lie dormant in wallets like they propose. The art consists of high resolution original designs and traits which look fantastic, while the spelling of turtles as turdles sort of reflects the notion that a polished turd remains a turd, because we believe ordinal hating maxi's are turds. 💩

The Collection

Our full ecosystems consists of 12 character collections with diminishing supplies. There are 3333 BTCSlugs, and 2222 MaxiTurdles. Likewise, there will be 1111 SilkToads, 999 Axomotos, and so on and so forth, see more details here.

MaxiTurdles will be a free mint for anyone holding 3000 $PERQ, our BRC-20 deployed last year, which serves as our on-chain whitelist. An unannounced Snapshot will occur in the near future. Additionally, any address holding one of the 100 OG NiftyPasses always gets guaranteed free mints &/or airdrops for each and every one of the 12 collections.

Here's how the mint event will break down:

  • NiftyPass & PERQ holders account for roughly 50% of the total supply of MaxiTurdles.

  • 444 WL will be raffled off to BTCSlug holders based on 1 ticket for every slug held.

  • Any wallets holding 10+ Slugs will also get a WL.

  • WL will also be given to various ordinal communities and members.

  • The remaining supply will go to public mint on FCFS basis at a mint price of 0.0015 BTC

Mint date and launchpad will be updated here and shared to our X account in the coming days/weeks.

Last updated